Every year, over one hundred thousand passionate pop-culture fans make the pilgrimage to San Diego Comic-Con. There, fans of various video games, comic books and fantasy/science-fiction/horror television shows and films gather in their masses, dressing as favourite characters, meeting their idols and sharing their enthusiasm with thousands of others. It is a colourful, exciting and inspiring world – and documentary maker Morgan Spurlock welcomes us in.
Watch 'Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's New Hope' on Beamafilm now!
“Comic-Con Episode VI: A Fan’s Hope” is a project of love for Morgan Spurlock and his collaborators: Stan Lee, Joss Whedon, Thomas Tull and Harry Knowles. Together, this “Geek Dream Team” sought to tell the story of this extraordinary event. And of course, it’s about the fans. We follow the stories of several different fans as they explore their Comic-Con experience: two men who want to become comic book artists; a comic store owner trying to sell a half-a-million dollar comic to save his shop; a toy collector trying to find a limited-edition figurine; a costume designer trying to make her big break; and a young man who wants to propose to his girlfriend at her favourite panel.
Their stories are human and exciting - each one different, and each one negotiating a different path through Comic-Con in their individual quests. Joss Whedon, Harry Knowles and others also tell their stories about growing up as comic fans, and what Comic-Con has come to mean to them. The crowds, the costumes and the celebrities are all affectionately portrayed in this passionate ode to geek culture. It is a refreshing departure from the many portrayals of Comic-Con lovers as middle-aged fat guys with glasses. The truth is far from the stereotype. Comic-Con is about uniting people, not dividing them. Men and women, young and old: everyone can find a place where they belong.
“Comic-Con Episode VI: A Fan’s Hope” is funny, moving and will immediately make you want to go over to San Diego and experience the con for yourself.
Watch 'Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's New Hope' on Beamafilm now!