On Beamafilm: Buck, the horse whisperer
Rebecca Boyle - Beamafilm

“Your horse is a mirror to your soul” – these are the words of horse trainer Buck Brannaman, whose skill with horses is legendary in America. From a childhood of abuse to a life helping horses (and their owners) with patience and determination, “Buck” explores his extraordinary story.
Watch 'Buck' on Beamafilm now!
Buck spends nine months of every year on the road with his caravan and horses, teaching horse “clinics” across America. Horse owners of all skill levels and walks of life come to hear his advice – from ranchers to people with prized show horses, to hobby riders. Buck advocates a gentle method of training horses –“natural horsemanship” - which is contrary to other prevailing practices. As Buck and others in the documentary point out, often trainers will talk about “breaking” a colt – training becomes a violent act of subjugation, which leaves the horse fearful of humans. Buck treats his horses like children – sternly, but with compassion. It is the consideration of the horses, almost as equals, that makes his methods so successful. His skills have made him admired and emulated by many others. He was one of the inspirations for the main character in Nicholas Evan’s novel “The Horse Whisperer”. When Robert Redford made his 1998 film adaptation of the same name, Buck was brought on as a consultant. Redford acknowledges the enormous impact he made on the authenticity and effect of the finished film and speaks of Brannaman with a great deal of respect. In return, Buck affectionately says that Redford could have had a chance in Buck’s businesses if acting ever fell through. Filmmaker Cindy Meehl follows Buck on the road and through several clinics, with extensive interviews with him, family members and friends. His life has not always been easy, but from his experiences, he has crafted an existence which fulfils him. He uses his first-hand knowledge of abuse to understand how some horses feel and to overcome obstacles in training through the compassion he would afford to an upset child. There are some powerful and moving moments in this film – particularly when Buck is asked to help a dangerously violent young horse. Through it all is the sense of the horse as a mirror to the soul, and a look at how humans and animals can interact in a meaningful way. Watch 'Buck' on Beamafilm now!